Kat Dollar

Digital Campaign Manager


As an expert in digital marketing, Kat has dedicated more than 17 years of her career to assisting clients in achieving their digital goals. Her passion for all things digital is evident in her commitment to ensuring her clients’ success by optimizing their marketing strategies. With a diverse background spanning various industries, Kat brings a fresh and unique perspective to help you build a robust marketing strategy.


Education: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Buena Vista University

My personal motto is: Always look for the silver lining.

Could never give up: Chai Lattes

Words to live by: “People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; never throw out anyone.” – Audrey Hepburn


Connect with Kat on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kat-dollar


Get in touch with Mills Marketing

Phone: 515.452.0807

Email: inquiries@MillsMarketing.com

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