As a Digital Marketing Specialist, Alex brings a keen analytical mind, adaptability, and a dedication to continuous learning to Mills. Passionate about uncovering solutions through data analysis, Alex thrives on collaborating with team members and mastering new skills to deliver impactful results. With a strong focus on problem-solving and a drive to help clients succeed, Alex ensures every project is approached with precision, creatvity, and a commitment to excellence.
Education: B.S. in Marketing, DePaul University
Could never give up: Coffee
Can't stop talking about: My kids and baseball
Words to live by: Stay curious, solve problems, and enjoy the little things.
On a Sunday afternoon: I love to go out for a walk with my family and stop at a local coffee shop.
Connect with Alex on LinkedIn:
Phone: 515.421.4863
EVP, Growth and Innovation
Use three words to describe the Mills team: My second family.
Director of Digital Services
My personal theme song is: “Drive” by Incubus
Digital Campaign Manager
My personal motto is: Always look for the silver lining.